How to Run These Queries

Azure Data Explorer - Free

If you head to and sign up for a free cluster using your MSA account you will be able to run the self contained queries as well as create tables and things of that nature. This is labelled by Microsoft as being free and you shouldn’t incur costs.

Azure Log Analytics Workspace Demo - Free

Opening up and signing in with your MSA account should let you run these queries as well as explore the other datasets.

Microsoft 365 Defender - Freeish

If you have products generating data already then you may be able to use Advanced Hunting section to run these queries at Although this method is free you will need to have the database already and these generating these databases cost money.

Azure Log Analytics Workspace - Very Cheap

Within if you create a “Log Analytics Workspace” you should be able to run these queries there. You get 5GB for free per billing account every month, otherwise costs are $2.76/€2.65 per GB.