Kusto Geo IP Table


This is a full Geo IP lookup for use in Kusto, it is a larger dataset and is supplied via Maxmind.

Update 7 June 2023

The new inbuilt Kusto function geo-info-from-ip-address has just been released. Thank you Kusto team :)

// Geoip POC using inbuilt Kusto function
// Test randomly generated IP addresses
//*** Variables start
let NumberOfIPsToTest = 100;
//*** Variables end
let IPsTesting = materialize(
range Position from 1 to (NumberOfIPsToTest) step 1 //Generate x random IP Addresses for testing
| extend IpAddress = strcat(toint(rand(255)), '.', toint(rand(255)), '.', toint(rand(255)), '.', toint(rand(255))));
| extend Geo = geo_info_from_ip_address(IpAddress)
| evaluate bag_unpack(Geo)
| order by Position asc

// Comparing inbuilt Kusto geo functions and external records what is the delta?
// Note: This just helps clarify the difficulties in using such threat intelligence
// Note: If CIDR blocks have been split these won't necessarily be picked up
externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string) ['https://firewalliplists.gypthecat.com/lists/kusto/kusto-cidr-countries.csv.zip'] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true)
| extend IndicativeIpAddress = tostring(split(CIDR, '/')[0])
| extend CountryName = geo_info_from_ip_address(IndicativeIpAddress)['country']
| where CIDRCountryName !in ('IETF', '') and CountryName !in ('') and CIDRCountryName != CountryName
| extend NumberOfIPs = pow(2, 32 - toint(split(CIDR, '/')[-1]))
| extend Countries = bag_pack("Countries", array_sort_asc(pack_array(CIDRCountryName, CountryName)))
| summarize NumberOfIPs = sum(NumberOfIPs) by tostring(Countries)
| render piechart


This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com

Why should I use this data?


Daily at around 0300UTC. The source data may or may not be updated as regularly.



Column Name Data Type Notes
CIDRCountry string
CIDR string
CIDRCountryName string
CIDRContinent string
CIDRContinentName string
CIDRSource string

Base Kusto Table

externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string) ['https://firewalliplists.gypthecat.com/lists/kusto/kusto-cidr-countries.csv.zip'] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true)

Base Kusto Function

let CIDRRanges = (externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string) ['https://firewalliplists.gypthecat.com/lists/kusto/kusto-cidr-countries.csv.zip'] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true));

Self Contained Kusto

// Geoip POC
// Test randomly generated IP addresses
//*** Variables start
let NumberOfIPsToTest = 100;
//*** Variables end
let CIDRRanges = (externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string)
with (ignoreFirstRecord=true));
let IPsTesting = materialize(
range Position from 1 to (NumberOfIPsToTest) step 1 //Generate x random IP Addresses for testing
| extend IpAddress = strcat(toint(rand(255)), '.', toint(rand(255)), '.', toint(rand(255)), '.', toint(rand(255))));
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(CIDRRanges, IpAddress, CIDR, return_unmatched=true)
| order by Position asc
// Which continents have the most IP addresses?
let CIDRRanges = (externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string)
with (ignoreFirstRecord=true));
| extend NumberOfIPs = pow(2, 32 - toint(split(CIDR, '/')[-1]))
| where CIDRCountryName !startswith 'RFC'
| summarize TotalIpAddress = sum(NumberOfIPs) by CIDRContinentName
| order by TotalIpAddress desc

Microsoft 365 Defender Example

// Which countries are our web connections going to?
let CIDRRanges = (externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string) ['https://firewalliplists.gypthecat.com/lists/kusto/kusto-cidr-countries.csv.zip'] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true));
| where floor(Timestamp, 1h) > ago(25h)
| where RemoteIPType == 'Public'
| where ActionType == 'ConnectionSuccess'
| where RemotePort in (80, 443)
| where RemoteIP has '.' //Check for IPv4
| summarize count() by RemoteIP, floor(Timestamp, 1h)
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(CIDRRanges, RemoteIP, CIDR, return_unmatched=true)
| extend CIDRCountryName = iif(isempty(CIDRCountryName), 'Unknown', CIDRCountryName)
| summarize sum(count_) by CIDRCountryName, Timestamp
| render timechart 

Sentinel & Azure Log Analytics Example

// For Azure CDN Traffic which Continents account for the bandwidth being used
let CIDRRanges = (externaldata (CIDRCountry:string, CIDR:string, CIDRCountryName:string, CIDRContinent:string, CIDRContinentName:string, CIDRSource:string) ['https://firewalliplists.gypthecat.com/lists/kusto/kusto-cidr-countries.csv.zip'] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true));
| where Category == 'AzureCdnAccessLog'
| summarize sum(toint(responseBytes_s)) by clientIp_s
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(CIDRRanges, clientIp_s, CIDR, return_unmatched=true)
| summarize sum(sum_responseBytes_s) by CIDRContinentName
| render piechart